About this blog

This is a blog where I will share my thoughts about the young adult books I read. It is my goal to read every book I have in my classroom library, and this is the place where my students can go to see what a book is about and my opinion of the book.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Goddess Hunt by Aimée Carter

Don't be fooled, this is not a full sized novel in the Goddess Test series, but a novella (|nōˈvelə| noun - a short novel or long short story). Basically this is a snack to tide you over while you wait for your next meal in this series. This is the story of Kate's six months away from the underworld that takes place directly after her and Henry's wedding. James (ugh) and Kate go to Greece (can't wait to go there someday!), but James drags Kate into a centuries old battle between the Gemini twins and the rest of the council (like Kate needs more problems!). Who will Kate side with, and what will this mean for her future with the seemingly absent Henry?
What I liked:
  • we got a taste while waiting for the next novel in the series
  • the chapters are from different characters' perspectives (mostly Kate and Henry's, but we are also introduced to a new character). 
  • we get to know Henry better as part of this book is from his perspective.
What I didn't like:
  • it was too short (though I guess that would defeat the purpose, turning the snack into a meal...)
My suggestion:
  • READ IT! But first read The Goddess Test, the first book in the series, or this book will make no sense at all.